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Lexis+ AI
Nicola Laver

Editor, Solicitors Journal

Quotation Marks
[print title] Immigration proposals [11 May 2021]

Immigration law proposals a 'serious threat' to the rule of law

Immigration law proposals a 'serious threat' to the rule of law


The Law Society said Home Office immigration law plans pose a 'serious threat' to the rule of law

The government used the Queen’s Speech to commit to establishing “a fairer immigration system” that strengthens the UK’s borders and “deters criminals who facilitate dangerous and illegal journeys”. But the Law Society said Home Office plans pose a “serious threat” to the rule of law, a principle that should underpin any reform of the immigration and asylum system. Boyce said asylum-seekers who reach the UK by ‘irregular’ routes, such as by boat, should not be penalised, otherwise it would risk breaching international law by creating a two-tier asylum system.


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