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Highly regarded trade mark Partner joins intellectual property law firm Mathys & Squire as Head of Trade Marks

Highly regarded trade mark Partner joins intellectual property law firm Mathys & Squire as Head of Trade Marks


Leading intellectual property law firm Mathys Squire has appointed chartered trade mark attorney Helen Cawley as head of its trade mark team.

With over 20 years’ of experience in the trade mark field, both in-house and in private practice, Helen joins from European intellectual property law firm D Young & Co LLP. Helen’s expertise lies in contentious matters, as well as clearance searches and prosecution work.

Helen’s role at Mathys & Squire will be to further develop the trade mark practice, with an emphasis on long term strategic growth.

Throughout her career, Helen has gained a wealth of experience in trade mark prosecution and portfolio management, and is well known for her work on oppositions and cancellation actions for multinational brands, as well as non-profit organisations.

She is a member of the Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA) and the International Trade Mark Association (INTA). Helen regularly attends INTA conferences – both the Annual and Leadership meetings. Regular travel has enabled Helen to develop a strong network of contacts throughout the world, most notably in the USA and Japan.

Helen has also overseen training and development of trade mark attorneys as well as trade mark paralegals and all related support services.

Alan MacDougall, a senior Partner at Mathys & Squire, says: “We are very excited to welcome Helen to our team of trade mark attorneys. Trade marks is an area that we have been growing as a firm and is an important part of our overall strategy.”

Helen’s experience will stand Mathys & Squire in good stead as we look to take our trade mark practice to the next level.”

Helen Cawley says: “I am delighted to be joining Mathys & Squire and thrilled to have the opportunity to lead their renowned trade marks team. Together, we can take the next major step in furthering our strategic development and growth.”


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