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Lexis+ AI

GeoSmart adds Ambiental data to enhance its flood risk assessments

GeoSmart adds Ambiental data to enhance its flood risk assessments


Unique combination raises the bar on flood risk assessment, providing unparalleled peace of mind for property professionals

GeoSmart Information, the innovative environmental reports, data, and services provider, has further enhanced its range of flood risk reports for property professionals.

It has teamed up with flood risk expert Ambiental to add the latest iteration of its ultra-high resolution UKFloodMap dataset across all the FloodSmart range. This unique combination will ensure that developers, architects, and planning consultants can access faster, more accurate flood risk assessments to support sustainable development.

FloodSmart reports now include GeoSmart’s leading national groundwater data with Ambiental’s river, coastal, and surface water (pluvial) datasets, together with essential historic analysis of flood defence and dam breaches.

It also notes maximum flood depths experienced in a given flood so that the potential severity of an event can be better visualised.

By harnessing Ambiental’s 2D Flowroute-I™ model, which enables flood predictions down to individual building level precision, more complex floodplain dynamics can be drawn. This enables architects to better visualise how a building design could respond or be adapted to real world hydrology.

Chris Taylor, sales and commercial director at GeoSmart, says: ‘We have raised the bar again for flood risk assessment. This powerful and truly unique combination of datasets allows our consultants to fully understand how overlapping flood risk factors could affect a site. Armed with this information, our clients are able to make the best decisions on purchasing the site and ensuring the building design can meet planning conditions based on expected real world conditions.’

Justin Butler, CEO of Ambiental, says: ‘We are delighted to work together with GeoSmart on delivering these enhancements to their FloodSmart range.

Flood modelling as a discipline is evolving rapidly as new datasets and methods become available. Currency of data is key to ensure the most reliable flood predictions and both Ambiental and Geosmart are innovators in this field.

By combining our unique modelling technologies and digital mapping, two of the leading forces in flood risk modelling have delivered a truly unbeatable package to give peace of mind to property professionals and assist with site investigation ahead of planning.’


About GeoSmart Information

GeoSmart delivers insight on environmental risk and suitability for property development and infrastructure.

For more information, please visit, email or call 01743 276 150.


About Ambiental Technical Solutions Limited

Ambiental is a leading flood risk assessment, surface water drainage, and flood risk modelling consultancy.

For more information, please visit

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