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Lexis+ AI
Suzanne Townley

News Editor, Solicitors Journal

Quotation Marks

GAD consults on judicial pension reform

GAD consults on judicial pension reform


Reforms aim to address the escalating judicial recruitment and retention crisis

The Government Actuary’s Department (GAD) has helped progress the Ministry of Justice’s (MOJ) judicial pension scheme reform. The reform seeks to address the judicial recruitment and retention crisis. GAD provided actuarial costings and general consultancy. Issues considered included: how the 2020 valuations and cost cap review may interact with the scheme; how to maintain a salary link for past service for judges who remain in service; death in service/after retirement and ill-health benefits, and how partial retirement interacts with part-time/fee-paid judges’ benefits. An MOJ consultation on the draft scheme regulations closes on 8 October 2021.

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