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Lexis+ AI
Suzanne Townley

News Editor, Solicitors Journal

DWF appointed to Crown Commercial Service legal panel

DWF appointed to Crown Commercial Service legal panel


DWF's Jonathan Branton led the firm's bid

DWF has been named as a supplier on the government's Crown Commercial Service (CCS) legal services panel, which has a total estimated value of £300 - £400m.

The CCS enables the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. In 2020/21, CCS helped secure commercial benefits equal to £2.04bn.

DWF will join 12 other legal businesses nominated to provide general legal services to central government departments and other public sector bodies.

It will provide a comprehensive range of services through 39 specialisms including contracts; dispute resolution; public procurement law and real estate law. The panel will be in place for three years and is extendable to four years.

Partner and head of government and public sector at DWF, Jonathan Branton, led the bid. Branton commented: “We are delighted to have been appointed to the CCS legal services panel and are looking forward to working with government departments and public bodies in a period that presents significant challenges and big opportunities, not least through agendas such as levelling up and climate change.

“It is the first time we have been appointed to the panel and is a testament to our position as a leading adviser to the public sector, advising on some of the most sensitive and complex issues facing public bodies."

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