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DLA Piper launches UK Return-to-Work programme in partnership with Reignite Academy

DLA Piper launches UK Return-to-Work programme in partnership with Reignite Academy


DLA Piper introduces a six-month paid program to support lawyers returning to the profession after breaks

DLA Piper has announced the launch of its first return-to-work programme in the UK, in collaboration with the Reignite Academy. The Reignite Academy specialises in assisting lawyers in re-entering the legal profession after taking an extended career break. The tailored programme offers a six-month paid work placement and training for lawyers who have been on hiatus, with the aim of facilitating their career progression.

The Reignite Academy, established in 2019, has already helped more than 100 lawyers, predominantly women, return to their legal careers. Past participants in their programs have successfully resumed roles in transactional and advisory capacities, with many achieving promotions, including partnership positions.

Liam Cowell, Country Managing Partner at DLA Piper UK, emphasised the significance of talent acquisition and retention in the firm's growth strategy. Cowell highlighted that professionals often need to take breaks for personal reasons, and the return-to-work programme allows DLA Piper to integrate talented individuals back into the workplace, benefiting the firm, its people, and clients.

Lisa Unwin, Co-Founder of the Reignite Academy, emphasised that the ability to return to a challenging and fulfilling legal career is not correlated with the length of the career break but is more influenced by motivation, drive, and a passion for the law. The programme aims to provide a supportive route back into the legal industry for those who trained with national or international firms and have taken either a complete career break or explored alternative paths for a certain period.

This initiative reflects a broader trend in the legal industry to create opportunities for individuals who have taken breaks in their careers and to promote diversity and inclusion within the profession.

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