Criminal legal aid replaces e-forms

By Law News
The Legal Aid Agency announces a major shift in how legal aid applications are submitted. As of 6 August 2024, the new Apply for Criminal Legal Aid service has replaced the outdated eForms CRM14 and CRM15 systems
This transition aims to streamline application processes and improve service efficiency.
Key Dates and Changes:
- 17 September 2024: New CRM14/15 eForm submissions will no longer be accepted.
- 4 October 2024: Deadline for completing pending CRM14/15 applications in eForms and for submitting new CRM4, CRM5, and CRM7 applications via eForms.
- 25 October 2024: Final date to access historical eForms; thereafter, requests for these forms can be made via email or phone.
Transition Details:
- Providers are required to use the Apply for Criminal Legal Aid service for all new applications. Any pending applications started in eForms must be completed and submitted by 4 October.
- For issues with post-submission evidence (PSE) or technical difficulties, providers should contact specific email addresses provided by the Legal Aid Agency.
Feedback and Support: The Legal Aid Agency is committed to improving the new system and encourages feedback. Providers can report issues or offer suggestions through the feedback form within the Apply for Criminal Legal Aid service.
This overhaul represents a significant update in the management of criminal legal aid applications, aimed at creating a more efficient and user-friendly process for legal professionals.