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Lexis+ AI
Suzanne Townley

News Editor, Solicitors Journal

Court of Appeal increase unduly lenient sentence for kidnap of Angel Lynn

Court of Appeal increase unduly lenient sentence for kidnap of Angel Lynn


The sentence was referred for review after members of the public raised concerns

The Court of Appeal has increased the sentence of Chay Bowskill, the man convicted of the kidnapping of Angel Lynn (pictured), after the Solicitor General Alex Chalk QC MP referred the case for review.

Chay Bowskill, now 20, and Angel Lynn, now 21, had been in a relationship for about a year on 17 September 2020 when Bowskill kidnapped Angel by forcibly picking her up off the street and carrying her into a van. Throughout the relationship, Bowskill had been coercive and controlling.

Angel exited the van while it was travelling at speed on a dual carriageway and she was paralysed, suffered a traumatic brain injury and was left unable to speak. She is now entirely dependent on carers and unable to live independently.

On 26 January 2022, Bowskill was convicted of kidnap, engaging in coercive and controlling behaviour and perverting the course of justice and sentenced to 7 years and 6 months’ detention at Leicester Crown Court.

Following sentencing, the Solicitor General referred Bowskill’s sentence to the Court of Appeal under the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme.

The court today (23 March) found his original sentence to be unduly lenient and increased his sentence to 12 years’ imprisonment. The sentences for the other charges are now concurrent.

Appeal court judges said too much of a discount had been applied to the original sentence because of Bowskill’s age.

Solicitor General Alex Chalk QC MP commented: “Angel Lynn was subjected to prolonged abuse by her partner, Chay Bowskill, which culminated in her suffering devastating and life-changing injuries.

“No sentence can repair the damage caused by the cowardly actions of Bowskill, but I welcome the decision of the court to increase the punishment for his crimes”.

Angel’s family are said to be “elated” by the increased sentence and said it was "more than we could ever hope for". Happily, they have reported that Angel has made small improvements in recent weeks.

Image shared by the Lynn family.

Lexis+ AI