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Lexis+ AI

Armalytix powers 1 in 8 residential property transactions in England and Wales

Armalytix powers 1 in 8 residential property transactions in England and Wales


Armalytix, UK data intelligence firm, achieves milestone, leading in 1 in 8 property transactions, strengthens anti-money laundering efforts

London-based Armalytix, a data intelligence firm specialising in source of funds and affordability checks, has become a driving force for legal firms handling 1 in 8 residential property transactions in England and Wales. In just two years since its introduction, Armalytix has emerged as a leading provider in the conveyancing sector, recognised with nominations at the Modern Law and British Conveyancing Awards. The firm's technology, aimed at combating money laundering, has gained traction in various regulated sectors, including gambling, professional services, accounting, and financial services.

In 2023, Armalytix saw increased adoption by legal firms, releasing new tools for industries. CEO Richard McCall emphasised the firm's contribution to the UK's anti-money laundering efforts, providing technology and tools for efficient checks at a single transaction point. Paul Saunders, Managing Director at Amity Law, praised Armalytix for improving efficiency and compliance, leading the market in innovation around Source of Funds checks. Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Armalytix collaborates with leading UK firms, enabling secure data sharing through Open Banking for faster and effective anti-money laundering, fraud, and financial risk checks.

Lexis+ AI