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Altia announces new Chief Financial Officer

Altia announces new Chief Financial Officer


Altia has, today, announced the official appointment of Lauren Patterson as its new Chief Financial Officer

With a strong background in commercial leadership and a passion for integrating people and technology, Lauren brings considerable expertise to Altia. Over the past decade she has held the position of CFO within the software and technology industry, specialising in business strategy, leadership, business performance management, risk management, IT management and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Rob Sinclair, CEO Altia, said: “I’m delighted that Lauren is taking on the role of CFO at Altia, her extensive experience and proven track record will be invaluable as we continue to drive Altia’s success. Lauren shares our commitment to excellence and will play a crucial role in guiding our financial strategy and driving our long-term growth.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to Andy Peet for his commitment, leadership and significant accomplishments during his tenure at Altia, and wish him all the best in the future.”

Lauren, CFO Altia, added: “I am honoured to join Altia as Chief Financial Officer, and look forward to contributing to its continued success. I am excited about the opportunities ahead, and am committed to working collaboratively across the business, to ensure that Altia remains well-positioned for sustainable growth.”

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