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Advancing animal rights: insights from the UK animal law conference 2024

Advancing animal rights: insights from the UK animal law conference 2024


Birmingham City University is gearing up to co-host the fourth annual UK Animal Law Conference, set to take place on May 29-30, 2024, with the UK Centre for Animal Law

This pivotal event, co-hosted by BCU, promises to be a milestone in the ongoing journey towards securing legal rights and protections for animals in the United Kingdom and beyond.

Dr. Iyan Offor, Senior Lecturer in Law at BCU and a leading expert in animal law, emphasises the urgency of addressing the legal status of animals. He asserts, "The time to create a better legal future for animals that gives them the protection they so desperately need is now."

With a focus on fostering collaboration among lawyers, academics, NGOs, and students, the conference aims to facilitate discussions on key issues in animal law, including policy, research, and education. Dr. Offor envisions Birmingham as a hub for this vital discourse, stating, "We hope to become [the conference's] home in the future."

Recent events underscore the critical need for improved animal protection measures. Dr. Offor highlights a recent case where a 62-year-old man was sentenced following a dog attack in Birmingham. Such incidents emphasise the inadequacies of breed-specific bans and underscore the necessity of comprehensive legal frameworks.

The conference will feature a diverse range of topics, including the intersection of animal law with environmental law and international trade law. Ethical considerations, policy implications, and educational initiatives will also be on the agenda.

Distinguished speakers, including Philip Lymbury of Compassion in World Farming and Pamela Frasch of the Centre for Animal Law Studies, will share their insights and experiences. BCU's own experts, such as Sam Hazle and Carley Lightfoot, will contribute their research and perspectives to the discourse.

Beyond intellectual exchange, the conference offers opportunities for networking and collaboration. A conference dinner at BA-HA Vegan, one of Birmingham's premier plant-based venues, provides attendees with a platform to forge connections for future endeavours.

The event is held in partnership with BCU's Animals, Nature, and Society Research Stream, which seeks to integrate considerations of animals and nature into legal and social frameworks.

As the momentum for animal rights continues to grow, the UK Animal Law Conference 2024 stands as a beacon of hope and progress. By bringing together diverse voices and perspectives, this event promises to catalyse meaningful change in the pursuit of justice for all sentient beings.

Lexis+ AI