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Professional indemnity


The double-edged sword of aggregation

The double-edged sword of aggregation

James Denison and Matthew Line consider the court's interpretation of the minimum terms and conditions of solicitors' PII contracts in the AIG Europe case
Reaping the returns of risk management

Reaping the returns of risk management

The professional indemnity season may seem comfortably distant, but now is the time to start evaluating your firm's risk profile and bring down its premium, writes Chris Marston
Cloud computing: What firms need to know

Cloud computing: What firms need to know

Firms can benefit from the cost savings, workplace efficiencies, and security advantages of cloud technology, but cloud providers must have robust compliance and cybersecurity processes in place, advises Neal Suggs
Friday afternoon fraud

Friday afternoon fraud

What do such scams mean for professional indemnity insurers and their insureds, asks Janet Brook