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Lexis+ AI
Stephen Sidkin

Stephen Sidkin

Partner, Fox Williams


A judgment reflecting 'the modern world

A judgment reflecting 'the modern world

Following the landmark decision in Software Incubator, software agents are now entitled to statutory protection under the Commercial Agents Regulations, writes Stephen Sidkin
Closing doors: a conflict of laws

Closing doors: a conflict of laws

The well-trodden issue of permission to serve out of the jurisdiction of England and Wales has yet again surfaced, say Stephen Sidkin and Evie Meleagros
Valuing agency

Valuing agency

Compensation for termination of agency should be calculated by reference to the resale value – but how should that value be set, asks Stephen Sidkin
Compensation magic

Compensation magic

Finally the House of Lords has addressed the question of the calculation of compensation for terminating an agency agreement, says Stephen Sidkin
Double agent

Double agent

Commercial agency litigation is likely to change following the decision in Crane. Stephen Sidkin reports
Lexis+ AI