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Lexis+ AI
Jo Summers

Jo Summers

Partner, Jurit

In 2022 PWT Advice LLP (the firm Jo Summers founded in 2008) merged with Jurit LLP, with whom Jo is now a Partner. Jo qualified as a solicitor in 1995 and has specialised in private client work ever since, particularly with an international element. She has particular expertise in advising private individuals on the tax implications of moving to or from the UK, as well as advising on cross-border estates. She is frequently asked to give expert opinions on domicile queries, including determining which laws of succession apply to the deceased’s estate. Jo also advises on offshore trusts, offshore pensions (including QROPS and QNUPS) and other international structures (such as EBTs and EFRBS) as well as charity law. Jo is a published author and expert in Shari’a succession laws, as well as being quoted regularly in trade journals and lecturing extensively. She is a member of the Society of Trusts & Estate Practitioners’ (STEP) UK Guidance Committee for whom she has featured on several radio programmes recently. Jo has just finished an 11-year tenure on the Law Society’s Wills & Equity Committee and is a member of The Association of Contentious Trust & Probate Specialists, the Society of Authors and the Crime Writers Association. She has a degree in European Law (University of Warwick), a Diploma of French Law (University of Lille, France) and a Masters in Trusts Law (University of Greenwich). In her spare time, she co-writes crime novels with her mother under the pen-name PJ Quinn, with five novels to date in the D I Ambrose Mysteries series.


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