Roger Flaxman
Chairman and Principal Consultant, Flaxman Partners
Roger’s insurance career started in September 1970 as a property fire and accident insurance broker at Leslie & Godwin, Brokers at Lloyd’s (long ago subsumed into what is now Aon), where he cut his teeth on a wide variety of international property insurances in UK, USA, Northern Europe and Scandinavia. In the mid-1970s he migrated to, the then relatively new class of insurance, professional indemnity following upon the seminal case of Hedley Byrne & Co Ltd v Heller & Partners Ltd [1964]; a leading case on economic loss and the duty of a professional adviser to a third party. The immediate demand for PII was fuelled by the rapid development of case law in the 1980s which opened the floodgates to a new source of remedy against the professions and service providers of all disciplines and all sizes. In the decade 1979 to 1989 at Lloyd’s broker C T Bowring (later integrated with Marsh) he became involved in the mandatory insurances of Lawyers, and the compulsory insurances Accountants and Chartered Surveyors. He became a leading adviser to professional bodies on the developing demands and needs of protection for both the practitioners and their clients. This was followed in the 1990s by the development of Directors and Officers insurances and other high-risk liability programmes both at home and overseas, which led Roger to be exposed to a rich vein of developing law and insurance needs for professionals and construction industries in particular. A period of time in Australasia in dealing with Mutuals and Defence Unions led to a new angle to tackling the development of insurance contracts to meet financial service industry needs and later, the evolving computer and Bio Science industries that were in need of insurance more flexible than the traditional lines. In the mid-1990s Roger became involved with the PI insurance of insurance brokers at Lloyd’s of London and soon thereafter with the British Insurance Brokers Association who engaged him to advise its members on broker duties, obligations and liabilities; and the management of the risks in an increasingly high-speed, high-tech sales environment. In January 2000 after a thirty-year career as national and international broker Roger set up a business advising professional bodies and trade associations After the financial crash in 2008 Roger’s business was in demand as a specialist claims advocacy service for policyholders in dispute with insurers about coverage. This in turn led to increasing demand for his services as an expert to the courts; mainly in matters of insurance industry practice and broker/ agent negligence claims. Since 2000 Roger has served in circa 200 cases as expert to the courts. He is a member of the Academy of Experts. Roger is well known and respected in the industry for his independent advice and services and his special ability to get to the working heart of an insurance conundrum. CONTACT DETAILS Roger H. Flaxman ACII; MAE; FLAXMANS 7th Floor 106 Leadenhall Street London EC3A 4AA 0203 972 6440 Office 07788 740056 Mobile www.flaxmanpartners.co.uk Expert Engagement 1. Short summary opinion available based upon initial instructions to assess viability of the case for full CPR35 report: Cost capped by agreement, in each case. 2. Full CPR 35 report on Academy of Expert Terms and Conditions, upon receipt of full instructions.