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A new era for French contract law?

A new era for French contract law?

Rémy Blain and Mathew Rea consider whether French contract law could become the preferred choice to govern international business contracts
The kindness of strangers

The kindness of strangers

Crowdfunding shows how access to justice can be reinvented for financially strained times, writes Jean-Yves Gilg
Freezing out

Freezing out

A recent case highlights the difficulties and opportunities for claimants of using the Chabra jurisdiction, writes Elaina Bailes
Disclosure: Time for a change

Disclosure: Time for a change

The rules on disclosure should be revised to make electronic documents the norm and make it easier for the process to be tailored to the individual case, argues Ed Crosse
Stick to the rules

Stick to the rules

Alec Samuels discusses the culture of compliance following Denton v White